Over the course of their evolution, the Alien Hives specialised into several distinct roles and environments. Despite this divergence, these sub-species united into a strict caste system led by the apex predator of their world; the Hive Lord. Each caste became specialised in different roles, working together in harmony as their civilization grew.
With a lack of workable metals on their home world, their technology came to be based on psychic abilities and biochemistry, and this knowledge allowed them to adapt themselves and alter native animals as well. The Alien Hives believed these changes allowed them to exist in more perfect harmony with their world. Perhaps the strangest of these were the ones which came to be adapted for space travel. Alien Hives travel through the stars using massive creatures, which they’ve bred for this purpose. These vessels travel from world to world, always requiring a significant amount of stored atmosphere and nutrition for them to store before travelling between the stars. These ships are homes to crews who maintain them, some of whom never step off the ships on which they were born.
After travelling through a swathe of the Frontier, the Alien Hives reached the Sirius Sector. Their arrival set off a series of conflicts with the factions in Sirius, as communication proved difficult and many assumed the Alien Hives were hostile because of their alien appearance and nature. They soon were locked into a war of extermination with the various species of Sirius, which only concluded when the DAO Union discovered a means to communicate with one of their Hive Lords. While it took time to come to true understanding, this opened a path to peace between the species of Sirius and the Hives.
Peace provided its own challenges for the Alien Hives, as they soon found themselves confronted with several alien ideas and values that challenged the structure of their society. They strive to stand on equal footing with the other species in the Sirius Sector, protect their migratory routes and defend their claims to various worlds in the sector by force if necessary. Some in the lower castes are beginning to demand new rights, undermining the harmonious working of the castes while certain Hive Lords have rejected this peace, fearing that the corrupting influence of outsiders might ultimately destroy their way of life completely.
How will your Hive adapt?
The Alien Hives specialised into several distinct roles, and environments as they evolved. Despite this divergence, these species gradually united into a strict caste system led by the apex predator of their world; the Hive Lord. These castes became specialised in different roles, working together in harmony as their civilization grew.
The Alien Hives did not discover any workable metals in their world, instead, their technology came to be based on psychic abilities and biochemistry. These skills allowed them to adapt themselves and gradually alter native animals as well. The Alien Hives believed that these changes allowed them to exist in more perfect harmony with their world. Perhaps the strangest of these were the ones which came to be adapted for space travel.
Hive Ships
Alien Hives travel through the stars using massive creatures, which they’ve bred for this purpose. These vessels travel from world to world, always requiring a great amount of atmosphere and nutrition for them to store before travelling between the stars. These ships are homes to crews who maintain them, some of whom never step off the ships on which they were born.
After spreading through a large swathe of the Frontier, the Alien Hives reached Sirius. Their arrival set off a series of conflicts with the factions in Sirius, as communication proved difficult and the Alien Hives were assumed to be hostile due to their alien appearance and nature.
The Alien Hives appeared to be locked into a permanent war with the various species of Sirius until at last the DAO Union managed to communicate with one of their Hive Lords. While it took time to come to true understanding, this opened a path to peace between the species of Sirius and the Hive.
Culture Shock
Peace provided its own challenges for the Alien Hives, as they soon found themselves confronted with a number of alien ideas and values that challenged the structure of their society. A number of those in lower castes began questioning their purpose and demanding new rights, undermining the harmonious working of the castes. Some Hive Lords rejected peace entirely, fearing that the corrupting influence of these other cultures might ultimately destroy their way of life completely.
The Alien Hives remain a new neighbour and outlier in the region. Many of the Hives continue to follow their great ships as they migrate through the stars, grazing on colonies and uninhabited worlds. Others have established inward looking kingdoms, while others seek to learn from their neighbours and adapt to the Sirius sector.
Alien Hives use biology and psychic powers in lieu of technology. Hailing from an unknown part of the Frontier, the Alien Hives use a combination of biological engineering and psychic abilities, transforming their various species to perform any task, from delivery drone to space-faring vessel.
Hive Lords lead their people, collecting resources from planet to planet, which is a source of conflict in the populated Sirius Sector. The Hives are ruled by Hive Lords that lead their subjects along migration routes, stopping at various planets to collect food, air and genetic material. Now, in the populous Sirius Sector, many of these planets are inhabited by other sentient beings who often object to having giant space beasts absorb a large part of their vital resources. When an agreement cannot be negotiated, conflict can arise. Many Hives have decided to try to only exploit uninhabited worlds, while some others elected to take what they need by force.
Arrival in Sirius
Initially the Alien Hives were feared by the factions , and even now they struggle to adapt. When they arrived in the Sirius Sector, they were thought to be non-sentient monsters until the DAO Union managed to create a way to tune into their psychic frequencies and communicate with them. Now they have to learn how to navigate an area where they are not the dominant species and where their societal structure is questioned.
Nomadic Lifestyle
The Alien Hives are a nomadic species, with interests clashing with those of more sedentary factions. Most Alien Hives see planets as temporary way stops rather than permanent residences; they do not consume everything but come back to get food, water and so on after leaving enough time for the biosphere to regrow. They see their way of life as more righteous because they let the planets recuperate rather than exploiting them continuously. It is hard for them to accept the way many other species settle planets permanently, altering their ecology and depleting their resources.
Social Hierarchy
Some among the Alien Hives, faced with the individual freedom of other species, have started to question their own rigid social order. They are organised in a strict caste system that assigns roles to each species, all playing their part in the constant migration of the Hive. But seeing how other species live, some members of the Alien Hives have started questioning the social order. Why couldn’t a member of the grunts be improved to the level of a Hive Lord? Partisans of the status quo will argue that the Hive itself is an organism, with each alien playing an essential part. Some Hive Lords have gone the other way and enacted a much more despotic rule.
The Alien Hives mostly fight for access to resources. Most of the fights they get into have to do with asserting their right to access resources. So a planet that is on their migration path might have been colonised and the new inhabitants refuse to let them feed. Or they might be attacked by others with a claim to that planet. They might have trouble because their itinerary takes them through someone’s frontier, or they might be famished and decide to feed on an inhabited planet even if they need to fight the locals. On the battlefield, they can be quite impressive, communicating mainly through psychic means, moving like a huge sentient organism with a high amount of coordination.