The remaining Dwarves had a difficult life under the Orcs. The Orcs drove the Dwarves out of their holds and took whatever they wished from their subjects. The Dwarves held little status, reduced to performing hard labour in the fields and mines, and with their former allies too weakened to help, they lived under cruel Orc rule for generations.
Then the Great Rift tore through the land, destroying many of the ancient holds. Many Orcs were killed by cave-ins, whilst the rest were forced to abandon the holds, leaving behind much of their armour and weapons. The Dwarves took the opportunity to rise up, using whatever weapons and tools they could find to seize back their destroyed holds. Much of their ancient wealth was lost, either buried, carried away by Orcs, or traded away long ago. Despite this, the Dwarves were determined to rebuild.
Dwarves soon developed industries and new technologies like coal-powered Constructs and factories. Their once glorious holds laden with gold and gems are now polluted ruins, supported by steel and steam, and they venture out only to take what they need and settle old grudges. No matter what, the Dwarves will not allow their homes to fall again.
How will you defend your hold?
Mountain Folk
The Dwarven tribes were once spread throughout Tyria, but as the plains were settled by humanity and Orcs came to the grasslands, the Dwarves retreated into Dwarfholds, forts in the mountains. These mountains became their home as they developed terrace farms on the heights and dug mines deep below.
New Heights
For most of their history, Dwarves had to travel overland, often through hostile territory, to visit other Dwarfholds. Dwarves began to experiment with ways to travel safely, using gliders. These Dwarves also began to experiment with powered flight.
Havoc Wars
When Havoc arrived in Tyria, the Northern Dwarfholds were assaulted and many were laid under siege. The Northern Dwarves defended their homes while the Southern Dwarves joined with the Great Alliance.
While the Dwarven warriors were fighting Havoc in the Empire, the Orcs attacked the Dwarfholds, which quickly fell. The Orcs then used powerful magic gifted to them by one of their Gods to defeat the weakened Dwarves.
The Dwarves left the armies of the Great Alliance right before their final confrontation with Havoc in order to save their families. The Orcs defeated the Dwarves and by the end of the Havoc Wars, the last Dwarfholds had fallen.
The Dwarves had a difficult life under the Orcs. Orcs drove the Dwarves out of their holds and took whatever they wished from their subjects. The Dwarves held little status, reduced to performing hard labour for little pay.
The Return of Havoc
The Rift tore through the land, destroying many of the ancient holds. Many Orcs were killed by cave-ins, others were forced to abandon their weapons and flee the holds. The Dwarves took the chance to rise up, driving the Orcs out of their lands.
Most of the newly freed Dwarves returned to their old ruined Dwarfholds. Much of their ancient wealth was lost, either buried, carried away by Orcs, or traded away long ago. Despite this, the Dwarves were determined to rebuild.
Also called Dwarves of the Southern Holds, these dwarves are a people that have been through hell and survived to tell the tale. When they came to the mountain to escape the Humans swarming the plains, they established a prosperous civilisation composed of many Holds, fortified cities built around mines.
While the old mountain Holds have mostly been turned exclusively into mines, most of the population resides in the foothills communities, sometimes nicknamed the Low Holds. These are the places where Orcs brought them, imposing unfair wages and working conditions. Still, to many Dwarves, these places became home. They are usually dense towns built around a mill, a furnace or a coal mine, with big collective habitats, warehouses and silos. Everything is focused around work, a Dwarf’s pride. The coal fumes make most holds easy to spot from far away.
Smoke-spewing Mines
The high mountain holds of yore were rife with precious minerals. The Orcs stripped everything that they could, emptying mines and ancestral halls. In order to sustain their economy, the Dwarves have had to resort to more destructive mining methods. Now their grandiose mountains are topped by smokestacks spewing columns of black ash, and the sounds of explosives ring out across the passes. Most of the population has remained in the foothills where they used to toil for the Orcs, in big farms and coal mines.
A Humbled People
The ancient Dwarves wore gems and jewels, and every object they had was exquisitely engraved. They enjoyed pomp and grandeur. After the Orc occupation, where generations laboured in poverty, this taste for luxury is mostly gone. They don’t have easy access to such high quality materials, or sufficiently trained expert craftsmen. Their focus is efficiency, getting the most out of impure metals, infertile lands and brittle stone. They have become an extremely practical people, valuing the skills and thriftiness that helped them survive in times of misery. They are good at repairing things and they eat everything that’s edible. Their armour and weapons reflect this philosophy. They are bulky, unpolished, but very intelligently conceived to do what they are meant to.
Rune Magic
Dwarves have never been skilled magicians. Instead, they rely on Rune magic and enchantment, which is a slow and long process that allows them to store magic for later use. Their society generally does not rely on magic however, instead they have developed industries to rebuild, using coal to power Constructs and factories.
A Reclusive Culture
Due to their history, Dwarves are fairly isolationist. They don’t mind individual outsiders but are very careful to protect their own interests and tend to keep their dealings with other peoples limited in scope and time. They have a trading network used to export excess coal and crops, as well as limited quantities of rare gems and metals. Despite their fall from grace, they are still some of the best miners around, and they know that these materials are a powerful tool to maintain positive relationships with other factions.
Bitter Memories
The Orc occupation was a dark time for the Dwarves, and they have not forgotten it. The stories and scars from this period are everywhere in Dwarven culture, in their songs, children’s tales, and proverbs. As pragmatists, and after a couple of generations back holding the reins, they are able to work with Orcs, if necessary. However, they do not enjoy it, and are easily provoked by any perceived disrespect. Many individual Dwarves will refuse to even talk to an Orc, but this attitude varies depending on the settlement.
Worker’s Councils
Dwarves have long abandoned their old nobility. Not only did the aristocrats fail to protect their people, but the Orcs made sure to get rid of them to hinder organised resistance. Under the yoke, a new social structure emerged, akin to a commune or a union. It started as a partisan network and grew into a free society. Each dwarf group is composed of workers that debate big decisions together, vote and elect temporary representatives. These groups form larger alliances, negotiate and compromise to reach a final decision that works for all. This makes their society slow to change but pretty united.