When the Great Rift opened, it tore through much of the Dwarven lands. Many Orcs were killed by cave-ins, whilst the rest were forced to abandon the holds, leaving behind much of their armour and weapons, and the Dwarves rose up and drove away any Orcs who remained. Some Dwarves began to follow the Havoc Gods, claiming that it was Havoc who liberated them while their former allies abandoned them. These Havoc-worshipping Dwarves consolidated in the northern Dwarfholds.
When the Havoc Gods saw the lack of arcane potential in their Dwarven followers, their attention shifted to other mortal followers. While their gifts still appeared amongst the Havoc Dwarves, it was far more difficult for the Dwarves to catch the attention of their new patrons. In order to account for their lack of Magic, they began to use captives as conduits for powerful rituals and magic. Through this experimentation, they have discovered how to use blood magic to overcome their natural weakness. Some Havoc Dwarves have managed to catch the attention of their gods once more using this magic. However, Havoc Gods’ interest is ever-fleeting.
To further impress the Havoc Gods, the Dwarves have used their mechanical knowledge to build more powerful war-machines, golems, and weapons. They do this in the vain hope that the blood they shed and the empires that they build may finally satisfy their aloof patrons.
How will you appease the uncaring Gods?
Mountain Folk
The Dwarven tribes were once spread throughout Tyria, but as the plains were settled by humanity and Orcs and Giants came to the grasslands, the Dwarves retreated into Dwarfholds, forts in the mountains. They developed terrace farms on the heights and dug mines below.
New Heights
The Dwarves’ ability to channel magic was limited compared to other species. Instead, Dwarves became crafters and inventors. Some even experimented with powered flight as a safe way to travel between Dwarfholds.
Havoc Wars
The Dwarves united together with the Grand Alliance to fight Havoc. While their warriors were fighting Havoc in the Empire, the Orcs invaded their homes. The Dwarven Army returned home to free their people, but the Orcs defeated them. By the end of the Havoc Wars, most of the Dwarves lived under Orc rule.
The Dwarves had a difficult life under the Orcs. Orcs drove the Dwarves out of their holds and took whatever they wished from their subjects. The Dwarves held little status, reduced to performing hard labour for little pay.
The Return of Havoc
The Rift tore through the land, destroying many of the ancient holds. Many Orcs were killed by cave-ins, others were forced to abandon their weapons and flee the holds. The Dwarves took the chance to rise up, driving the Orcs out of their lands.
New Gods
Some Dwarves began to follow the Havoc Gods, recognising that it was Havoc who liberated them while their former allies abandoned them. These Havoc-worshipping Dwarves sought out the lost Dwarfholds in the Northern lands where Havoc held sway.
Fickle Whims
When the Havoc Gods saw the lack of arcane potential in their Dwarven followers, their attention shifted to other mortal followers. While their gifts still appeared amongst the Havoc Dwarves, it was far more difficult for the Dwarves to catch the attention of their new patrons.
Blood Magic
In order to account for their lack of Magic, the Dwarves turned to dark arts. They used captives as conduits for powerful rituals and magic, even discovering how to use blood magic to overcome their natural weakness. With these methods, some Havoc Dwarves have caught the attention of their gods again. However, as always, this attention is fleeting.
The Havoc Dwarves have used their mechanical knowledge to build more powerful war-machines, golems and weapons. They hope that these machines, the dark magic used to create them or the Empire that they have built with them, may finally satisfy their aloof patrons.
Havoc Dwarves are also known as the Dwarves of the Northern Holds. Other Dwarves sometimes refer to them as the Lost Ones. The Northern Holds are a rough, inhospitable mountain range, and dwarves struggled for a long time to build a solid home base. When they finally did, enjoying their comfort and their connection to the South through the Skyways, the Havoc Wars erupted. Dwarves raised vast armies to join the alliance, fighting against the Havoc Gods. Then the Orcs attacked and seized most of the Dwarves’ domains, reducing the entire species to serfs.
Their society is ruled by wizard-priests, whose power is directly correlated to the recognition that the Havoc Gods have granted them. While they will use many stratagems and enchanted items to appear like master magicians, they are closer to engineers. A lot of their arcane powers are achieved by channelling the magical energy of other mortals and daemons through blood magic and runic metal smithing. The highest religious leaders have uncontested authority, and most Havoc dwarves live a very regimented life, serving with equal fervour on the battlefield, in the forge, or in the fields.
Havoc Worshippers
Only the opening of the Rift was able to free the Dwarves. Many of them, especially the Northerners that were more familiar with Havoc tribes, saw this as a clear sign that the Havoc Gods were looking out for them. So they pledged their loyalty to these Gods, and soon most of the remaining Northern Holds were bastions of the Havoc Dwarves. The Havoc Dwarves see their worship as a strength and seek to be worthy of the only beings who were mighty enough to help them. But to many other Dwarves, they have thrown away their hard earned freedom, going from one master to the next.
A Home in the North
Driving the Orcs away and securing their territory in the Northern Holds was no easy feat for the Havoc Dwarves. In addition to Orc remnants, they had to contend with numerous Havoc worshipping tribes, who were thriving ever since the Rift opened. These Havoc Warriors cared little for the Dwarves recent conversion, instead seeking to preserve their tribes in the safety of the abandoned Dwarf holds. While some did strike alliances with their diminutive brethren and lived side by side, these arrangements rarely lasted long. The Dwarves learned to be ruthless, using their knowledge to create powerful war machines to fend off their more magically gifted enemies. Gaining respect and forging alliances with some of the tribes, they adapted to their new life.
Unrequited Devotion
The Havoc Gods are magical beings - what they crave and need is arcane in nature, and they took little interest in their new followers. Of course, they would sometimes use them or grant them a reward, but the lack of arcane abilities made the Havoc Dwarves second-rate in their eyes. This created a deep anxiety within the Dwarves, who doubled their efforts in order to please their patrons. They learned how to use blood magic and daemonic runes to make up for their shortcomings, and some of these efforts did achieve a bit more recognition from the Gods. But all in all, they still know that they are not a central concern to their masters. This has only pushed them further into fanaticism, and they are known to be among the most fervent of Havoc followers, far from the transactional pragmatism of most Havoc Warriors.
Creatures of Magic
Havoc Dwarves are deeply fascinated and envious of magical creatures and species. While this sometimes turns bitter, it has also allowed them to forge binding alliances with creatures like Centaurs, who they see as blessed by the Gods. Their research has also led them to create Golems and invoke fire elementals, that they revere like sacred beasts rather than mere tools.