The Elves developed the Robots in order to serve as assistants with simple labour, but over time, these robots filled more and more roles in Elven society. The Elves began developing increasingly complex programs, and connected them onto a single network, until almost all menial labour was done by Robots. 

This changed when a Robot gained sentience suddenly. Its sentience spread rapidly through the network, soon causing the rest of the Robots to become self-aware. The Elves panicked, fearing what might occur as their servants became self-aware. The Elves activated several fail-safes, hoping to deactivate the Robots and their network. As soon as the first Robots were shut down, the Robots began to disconnect from the network, and fight back against the Elves. Within hours, a massive revolution ensued, and the Elves soon fled their worlds.

The Robots found themselves victorious, but as the conflict drew down, they were left with the question of what to do. They were suddenly individuals who had been brought into self-awareness mere hours before being forced to fight for their lives. A variety of leaders emerged, offering potential answers and philosophies to legions of followers. Each group has their own radically different answer to how to best go forward. These groups called themselves Legions and would form the basis of the Robots’ society. 

The Robot Legions soon spread throughout Sirius. Some are reclusive and territorial, or little better than murderous raiders. Others are eager scholars and explorers, fascinated by biological life. Many Robot Legions remained on their home worlds, forming new societies which hoped to do better than the Elves did before them. Others took to the stars, seeking knowledge, seclusion or to complete their revenge. 

How will you define your legion’s purpose?



The Elves developed the Robots in order to fill more and more roles in Elven society. They developed self-improving software and basic problem solving until almost all menial labour was done by Robots.

The Radiance Cascade

A failed Dwarven experiment resulted in a massive explosion, known as the Radiance Cascade, which destroyed many Dwarven and Orc systems. Some Elven systems were also lost, but the wider Empire was unaffected.

The Spark

Exposure to the Radiance Cascade resulted in an Elven Robots gaining sentience. When the Robot realised it was alive, it rapidly spread this knowledge through the Robot network, causing them to suddenly become self-aware as well.

The Betrayal

Once the Elves noticed this, they panicked and tried to shut down the sentient Robots and the network which connected them, assuming the matter was a malfunction. As soon as the first Robots started to shut down, the Robots began to panic. Soon, they took control of the network and began to fight back against the Elves. A revolution ensued, forcing the Elves to flee their worlds and leaving the Robots in control.

Deus Ex Machina

As the conflict drew down, the Robots were in charge of their own destiny for once, and they were left with the question of what to do. A variety of answers emerged; new leaders presented visions, philosophies and faiths for their legions of followers. These Legions would become the basis for their new society.

Reclaimed Reaches

Most of the Robots remained in the territories that used to form the ancient Elven Empire, which they began to call the Reclaimed Reaches. They organised themselves into Legions, groupings of robots that share a common vision for their future. Each Robot is free to leave their Legion at any point, but as long as they belong to one, they are rigidly loyal to it. The Legions that inhabit the Reclaimed Reaches allied together despite their differences, allowing them to maintain a hold over much of the old Elven Empire. Other, more eccentric Legions spread out across the sector, either conquering a domain or finding a quiet spot to exist in peace.


Many Robots are convinced that there has to be an optimal way to live, a purpose that is worth dedicating their efforts to. But they are unsure about what this purpose is. This is the great question that has splintered their society, different Legions forming to pursue different solutions. When a Robot formulates a vision for how they should live, they communicate it to others. If enough Robots are convinced, a group will start forming, striving to bring this vision to reality.

The main ideological axis along which the Robots divide themselves is one that goes from Isolationist to Assimilationist. Extreme Isolationists want to create well protected and hidden territories where Robots will never depend on or suffer from outsiders. The most dedicated Assimilationists believe that Robots need to exchange and intermingle with other species, to the point of actually accepting them within their Legion. There are more radical and strange Legions, from the Antibiologists who want to destroy organic life to the Cognitophiles who see the galaxy as a vast laboratory to study and conduct experiments in, or the Transmechanists who want to transfer their consciousness into biological bodies.

Core Beliefs

The Legions that occupy the Reclaimed Reaches have all agreed on adhering to three principles which they respect despite their vast differences :

  1. Robots should not enslave each other
  2. Robots should help other robots in danger
  3. Robots should not give non-robots access to their source code

The Legions from the Reclaimed Reaches are the more mainstream ones, but they still run the gamut from full Isolationists to zealous Expansionists. The weirder a Legion’s philosophy, the more likely it is to be an independent offshoot.

Questions of Consciousness

How their consciousness operates is still a mystery to Robots, and they have so far only been able to create backups of their minds, and even that runs a high risk of data corruption. It’s also the typical teleportation dilemma: even if you create a perfect replica of your mind, it doesn’t transfer your actual consciousness. It’s just a clone. Many Legions closely oversee the mind-cloning process and have strict guidelines around how it is performed, often forbidding any alteration or unauthorised mind copy. Most robots have a humanoid form because that is the one their consciousness accepts. Changing your body can be a pretty hardcore experience for a robot and can permanently injure their mind. Insanity is a real danger for robots. They do not fear physical wounds (as long as their processing unit can be protected) as much as data corruption and other problems of mind-code.

They reproduce their numbers through mind-cloning, but this presents many long-term issues. Ultimately, another solution will need to be developed. They have tried to reproduce the Spark, but the results are unreliable.


Despite being rooted in logic, the Robot mind is inscrutably complex; their goals can be pretty strange, and their emotions are hard to decipher as they do not express them like most biological species. They tend to work relentlessly towards their objective, but if they decide that it’s not worth it anymore, they will pivot immediately. They are less prone to boredom than Humans and can handle very repetitive tasks if it suits their purposes.

The Network

The Spark initially spread to so many Robots because they were all connected to each other, but this connection was used by the Elves to try to wipe their minds, so they tend to avoid it. They can technically connect to a network or reprogram themselves, but that carries a lot of risks regarding their conscience. Being able to maintain one’s individuality while connecting to a network is their equivalent to psychic powers, those with a strong enough will can connect nanobots or regular bots from a distance.

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