Age of Fantasy World Book Releasing in September

August 15, 2024

We are happy to announce that we will be releasing the Age of Fantasy World Book in September! If you want to learn more about Tyria and the Age of Fantasy, this book will have you covered, giving you the information you need to explore and play in the setting. Some highlights of the information included are; 

  • An overview of Tyria’s history, including the Havoc Wars and creation of the Rift
  • An introduction to Voidgates and the Planes beyond Tyria
  • Key locations and conflicts in Tyria and beyond
  • Introductions to the factions, with new accompanying artwork.
  • Sections on magic, trade and technology in Tyria
  • And much more!

Our goal is to establish the basics of the wider setting to give fans a sense of where their models belong, while also leaving space for them to explore it with their own heroes, armies and factions. We hope it will inspire you to add to our universe.

We hope our World Book will serve as inspiration for fans to do just that; giving a sense of possibilities for what can fit into this galactic sandbox that we’ve created! 

So, without further ado, let’s take a look!


“Tyria seems like a nice, quiet place,” Ruthog said. “A welcome reprieve!”
Lyseminn couldn’t help but chuckle.

Tyria is a vast continent spanning from its frigid Northlands to the vast Drake Mountains extending along its southern boundaries. Most of the factions and species in the Age of Fantasy setting trace their origin to this land, including Humans, Elves, and Ratmen. Others have arrived more recently, such as the mysterious Shadow Stalkers and Ossified Undead. The World Book will explore their common history with a particular emphasis on the rise and fall of the Human Empire, through the struggles of the Havoc War and into the present day.

We will explore a few of the key locations in this setting, such as the Elven Heartwoods, which once stretched over much of the continent, as well as the Beastmen ruined homeland in the Wild Savannah. The book will also expound on conflicts from the Humans’ struggle against their Vampiric Undead neighbours to distant conflicts fought by the Volcanic Dwarves in Saurian Jungles.

The Great Rift

The traditions of our ancestors died long ago, buried deep in the Rift; withered alongside the Sacred Tree, broken but not forgotten. -Ziremva, Waheni Shaman

Perhaps no moment in the history of Tyria has been as defining as the Great Rift; a powerful arcane disaster which scarred the land itself. The World Book will delve into the history of this event and the ramifications which it has had on the continent, contributing to the breakup of the Human Empire, the exile of the Beastmen and the liberation of the Dwarves.   

While the Rift brought down some old structures, it has become a source of opportunity for those willing to seize it. Beyond the Havoc Warriors and Rift Daemons who have begun to gather, hoping to seize this opportunity, others have also found new ways to prosper in these uncertain times. Learn more about how the Rift has shaped the land, people and trade of Tyria in the century and a half since its appearance. 


Yelping excitedly, Letnip rifled through his bag and produced a parchment. He carefully read it aloud. Sparks of lightning coursed across the arch as the Voidgate opened.

One of the most unique elements of the setting, the World Book, will introduce and explore the concept of Voidgates and their role in Tyria’s history, economy, and culture. Allowing for travel between two connected points over any distance in a single footstep, Voidgates are highly coveted; often sought after by ambitious adventurers and rulers.

Voidgates may serve as linchpins and strategic locations in conflicts, a means of espionage or smuggling, or shape a town’s industry by connecting it with otherwise rare goods. Perhaps more interesting to adventurers, however, are the Voidgates, which do not merely connect to another point in Tyria, but to the lands and Planes beyond.

Final Words

We hope that this has whetted your appetite to learn more about the Age of Fantasy Setting. We’re excited to share more of the story surrounding the game we love, and we look forward to seeing what stories, factions, and armies that this book may help inspire. 

Can't wait? Check out the Age of Fantasy lore section on our website and read through some of the free short stories set in the world of Tyria!

Happy Wargaming!

– OPR Team

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