Community Survey Results

January 8, 2024

Community Survey Results

Last month we ran our bi-annual community survey, and the results are in! With over 1,200 responses we are very happy that so many of you participated. Thank you!

We have a lot of questions to go through, so we're going to keep this as brief as we can.

Where do you follow OPR news & content?

Our first question was to get to know how best to reach all of you! Here we can see that Discord and Patreon are the two most popular options, with over 60% of our community saying they follow our content there. The website was next and we're happy to see so many of you using it! We've got many new improvements in mind for the website, as well as the newsletter. The social media breakdown is interesting as well, considering that these results do not match up with our follower count on those platforms.

Which OPR games do you play?

These numbers are again very similar to the numbers in our last survey. Age of Fantasy and AoF: Skirmish both have made some small gains, as has Grimdark Future: Warfleets, but these did not come with a drop in Grimdark Future players. This leads us to believe that many of you are playing several of our games at once, which is great to hear!

How often do you play OPR games?

We're also happy to see that over 40% of our players get to play the game at least once a month, which is pretty typical for the playtimes of most hobby games. And again over 97% of our community either play our games or are interested in doing so.

Where do you play OPR games?

These results are very similar to last time with most of you playing either at your home or a friend's home. But we did see a small increase in the number of you all playing in a club or game store. We hope to see these numbers continue to grow as the game reaches more and more people.

What minis do you use to play OPR games?

We're happy to see so many people using OPR minutes to play, with most of our community printing their own. We're surprised to see the number of people playing with our paper minis grow as well. When it comes to non-OPR minis, it seems that our community uses minis from many different sources to play.

Are you interested in buying physical minis from OPR?

There is a small increase in the number of people interested in buying physical miniatures from OPR, but again this number seems to fit well since around 70% of our community 3D prints our miniatures. We're continuing to look for ways to reach more and more people, including those who do not 3D print, and is one of the reasons we launched the new Army Starter Bundles this year, that can be purchased on our Only-Games store.

Do you play Dungeons & Dragons?

This came as quite a surprise to us! Over half of our community plays D&D, and nearly 75% of you play an RPG of some sort! We are already exploring expanding our content into RPGs, but we didn't expect the crossover of our community to be this large.

Would you be interested in D&D compatible material from OPR?

This matches what we see in the previous question, with nearly half of our community interested in D&D compatible material from OPR, and a pretty even split between stat blocks and adventures. We didn't expect interest to be this high, but we are glad it is.

Which Grimdark Future armies do you play?

We continue to see the Alien Hives as our most popular faction, a change we first saw in our last survey when they jumped in the lead for the first time. But the biggest change this time was the Dwarf Guilds having a huge increase in players, going from 10.7% to 28.8%, following the tradition of armies gaining popularity as we release official models.

Which Age of Fantasy armies do you play?

We see the same change with our fantasy factions as well, but in this case, the Vampiric Undead were already one of our more popular armies, and with official OPR models, they've jumped to first place with 34% of the community playing them.

Which Grimdark Future: Warfleets factions do you play?

Now that Grimdark Future: Warfleets is out of beta, it is interesting to see what factions the initial player base chooses. Overall these numbers are very similar to the numbers we saw in the previous survey with two exceptions. First, the Alien Hives, while still popular, is no longer the stand-out leader, and the Ratmen Clans have fallen in popularity drastically. Overall the factions have spread out, but I expect we'll see these results change as more people play the game.

Which Grimdark Future factions would you like to see a lore book for?

As we look to expand the lore for our worlds, we wanted to see which factions the community was most interested in. We're surprised to see the Saurian Starhost win this with over 50% of the community choosing it considering that Alien Hives has nearly twice the people playing them. The rest of the factions were more evenly distributed.

Which Age of Fantasy factions would you like to see a lore book for?

On the fantasy side of things, we don't see a single leader, though the Saurians again are the leaders with 47.6% of the responses. With both the Duchies of Vinci and Saurians having a lot of interest, though, we hope you'll enjoy what we have in store in our upcoming Secrets of Tixal narrative campaign!

Thank you, everyone, for answering the community survey, it’s always a pleasure to hear all of your feedback. It is heartening to see the responses from so many members of our community!

Happy Wargaming!

– OPR Team

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