Introducing the OPR Rangers Program [Updated]
Update: The original intention of our OPR Rangers Program announcement post was to keep things light, and slowly reveal more about the program as time goes on. After some feedback from the community, it has become clear that this was not the right approach, and we want to more clearly explain what our intentions are with this program, and the direction it will go in the future. To correct this, we have updated and expanded our article below, and we're sorry for any confusion this has caused.
We understand the importance of an active, vibrant community when playing tabletop games, and that is why we are happy to introduce the OPR Rangers Program, our Organized Events Program for the One Page Rules community. With this new program we hope to make it easier than ever to organize local events, find other players, and most importantly, play your favorite One Page Rules games.
First Steps and Goals
We're starting small with the program.
We know that there are many groups playing OPR Games around the world, but until now we have no organized way to know where they are, what events are happening, or who you should contact if you want to get involved with OPR communities in your area. So the initial launch of the program is designed to help make it easier for community organizers to be seen and connect with players around them as well as advertise their upcoming events.
To do that we're taking our first steps:
- First we're opening applications to register as an OPR Ranger, so that we can find out who is interested in joining
- Once we've gone through the applications, a list of OPR Rangers and their contacts will be posted, so that people can contact them to get involved with their local community
- Then we're going to start publishing a monthly list of upcoming OPR community events, to help expand the reach and visibility of these events, and help people get involved
- After that, we're going to slowly add more and more things to the program, based on our plans, and the feedback we get

OPR Rangers
The core part of the OPR Rangers Program is of course the Rangers themselves. OPR Rangers are enthusiastic, positive, vital community organizers who help spread the love of their favorite One Page Rules games, organize regular local events, and grow their local OPR communities. These volunteers will be the ambassadors to their local gaming communities and will have our support to make it easier for interested players to get involved.
Why Become an OPR Ranger?
Every tabletop game needs a community to play.
By becoming an OPR Ranger, you can help grow and support your own local One Page Rules community and ensure that everyone gets a chance to play the games they love and have fun. You’ll be able to advertise your events to the wider One Page Rules community, as well as have access to resources to make your events engaging and successful. Everything that is provided you'll be able to print and give away to your community.
Here is what you can currently get as an OPR ranger:
- Printable Awards and Certificates
- STLs of all current and past Event Minis
- STLs of our Basic Event Medals
- Access to dedicated Rangers Discord channels
Here are some of the things we want to offer in the future:
- Physical Event Kits
- Access to Prize Support
- Access to Convention Support
What if I am Already Organizing a Local OPR Community?
If you're already organizing a local OPR Community, that is fantastic.
Thank you for all you've done to help grow the OPR Community and help people enjoy playing the games we make. We encourage you to still apply to be an OPR Ranger and tell us about this community in your application! This may help others find your community and keep it growing and healthy, as well as make it easier for us to keep in contact and give you the support we can. Even if you choose to not join the OPR Rangers program, we still encourage you to submit your community events so that they can be listed in the monthly event posts.
To Become an OPR Ranger, You Must:
- Have strong knowledge of your favorite One Page Rules games, and be able to teach the games to others.
- Be an enthusiastic, positive, ambassador for the OPR Community and be a positive representative of the OPR Brand.
- Organize and Host at least one public OPR Community Event each month (note: we're currently reviewing this requirement and will come up with a tiered way to recognize various levels of engagement with the program)
We've prepared a guide on being an OPR Ranger and some advice on what sort of events to run and how to organize them:
If you would like to join the OPR Rangers Program and help foster and grow your local OPR Community, please submit your application to become an OPR Ranger today.

Community Events
The other vital part of an Organized Events Program are the events themselves. That’s why we are asking everyone to let us know about any public OPR community events that they are organizing so that we can publish a monthly list of events on our website. This will make it easier to find opportunities to play your favorite One Page Rules games as well as connect with fellow players in your community!
Here are some examples of some events you could run:
- Regular Casual Game Nights
- Narrative Campaigns or Slow Grow Leagues
- Demo Nights to teach the games
- Hobby or Painting Events
- Tournaments
We do ask that you only submit events that are open to the public. We are unable to advertise private events.

The Future of the OPR Rangers Program
This is only the beginning of the OPR Rangers Program and we have big plans and ambitions on how it can grow. We appreciate all of our local OPR communities and organizers, and we hope that with this new program we can help support them even better and help them grow.
Here are some features we hope to add to the program in the future as it grows:
- A way for OPR Rangers to request official support for larger events
- The ability to order physical event kits for OPR Rangers who do not have a 3D printer
- A better event tracking system as well as a way for OPR Rangers to report on the success of their events
- A level system for OPR Rangers to recognize and reward continued participation and success in the program
Happy Wargaming!
– OPR Team
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