OPR Teams up with Archvillain Games and Titan Forge
We have big plans for projects in 2024, which we are eager to talk about in the upcoming Live Stream on December 29th. Many of those plans began thanks to Titan Forge’s invitation to join them at ESSEN SPIEL this year where we got to meet them, Archvillain Games, and many others in person and share our passions and vision for the future of tabletop gaming, 3D printing, and more.
We are extremely excited to announce that in 2024 we will be partnering with Archvillain Games and Titan Forge to help them make new armies playable in Age of Fantasy and Grimdark Future. Archvillain Games and Titan Forge are incredible creative teams, and by working together we hope to bring even more options and opportunities to our communities and bring tabletop gaming to a new level.
First, we will be launching a joint FronTiers campaign in 2024 featuring miniatures from all three companies and you can sign up now to follow the campaign here! Our three worlds will cross over and be playable together for the first time.
This is just one of many new projects that we are we can’t wait to show you next year, so stay tuned for more information!
Happy Wargaming!
– OPR Team
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