Patch Notes - October 24th 2024

October 24, 2024

Today we're releasing update v3.4.1 to many of our games! This update is mostly small bug fixes and typos to v3.4.0 that we released last month. We appreciate all the testing and feedback from the community that helped us with this update. This update also includes some adjustments and clarifications to some of the new rules introduced in the expanded Advanced Rules, including allowing players to choose many options that used to be randomly determined.

Yearly Updates

Now that we've released these updates and fixes, it marks the beginning of our planned yearly updates for the game rules. We are quite satisfied with where the games are now and are not planning on doing any major updates to the rules anytime soon. These rules should stay stable until September 2025, so if you were waiting to print a copy of the rules, now is the time.

As we've said in last month's post, switching to yearly updates will make it easier for us to look into much requested features such as physical versions of the rulebooks and possible translations of the core rules or beginner's guides. We still don't know all the details of if we are able to release physical rulebooks and translations, but now we can look into the possibility without worrying about quickly changing rules.

While we don't plan on the rules changing soon, we will continue to update the armies every 3-6 months, adding new units and fixing any mistakes we catch. We are not planning to do any major changes to armies over the next 12 months, besides any changes related to the release of new official models. We are also not planning to do any major point cost updates across the board, so if you notice that a unit's cost has changed without its rules having changed, please let us know so we can look into it.

Again, this is our plan for now, and we want to stick to it as much as we can, but if it turns out that this is damaging the game in any way, or is hurting our players, or anything else like that, then we will have to come up with a new plan. At the end of the day, our top priority is to have great games available to players, and if that means that we'll have to post a patch before September 2025, then that's what we will do.

Patch Notes


  • General fixing of bugs, typos, missing rules/options, etc.
  • Split "(pick one)" hero special rules to make them clearer
  • Daemon has been clarified that only up to half of the army (rounding up) may use one or the other

Grimdark Future

Battle Brothers

  • Veteran Assault Brothers can now take Gravity Pistols and Dual Energy Claws


  • Combat Bikers and Light Walkers can't take Heavy Armor anymore
  • Armored Trucks can now take Pintle-Machineguns instead of Storm Rifles
  • Tactical Walker ranged weapons now have more attacks


  • Re-worked melee weapons for Beast Riders

Orc Marauders

  • Beast Riders and Boss Beast Riders don't have Shooty anymore
  • Orc Walkers have been split into Melee and Ranged versions to avoid exploits
  • Smasher Cannons now have AP(2) and Heavy Smasher Cannons now have AP(4)

Prime Brothers

  • Veteran Prime Brothers can now take Heavy Flamers and Weapon-Mods

Age of Fantasy

Guilds of the Nexus

  • Trade Federations now have access to Arcane Weapons

Core Rules

  • General fixing of typos and lots of small clarifications all around
  • Clarified that fatigue applies to the whole unit, not just individual models
  • Clarified that you don't need to be a caster to spend spell tokens to give casters +1/-1 to their roll, and that they only need line of sight to the caster's unit, and not to the caster itself
  • Clarified that Flying allows you to move both through units and terrain
  • Clarified that Scouts may be placed anywhere within 12" of their position
  • AoFS - Musicians/Banners now affect their own unit as well
  • AoFR - Ambushers now have to deploy over 6" away from enemy unit (clarified related special rules as well)

Beginner's Guide

  • Clarified that units are sight blockers and provide cover (despite them not being terrain)
  • Clarified that Aircraft can't move into the table edge to move less than 30", and that their mandatory move doesn't break the staying idle requirement to stop being Shaken.
  • AoFR - Re-worked unit formations with mixed base sizes to be simpler
  • AoFR - Clarified that charging in the facing where the majority of front row models are is only mandatory if that charge would be possible

Advanced Rules

  • General fixing of typos and lots of small clarifications all around
  • Army Terrain can now be picked freely instead of only being random
  • Clarified how Progressive Scoring and Side-Missions work together
  • Clarified that units in Last Stand only count as Shaken for the purpose of special rules
  • Boosted Focus Fire and Heavy Charges now give +2 to hit instead of increasing range
  • Clarified that casters pick from their randomly rolled spells for their Spell Book
  • Re-worked Magic Pools to be simpler and provide more spell dice
  • Living Spells can now be picked freely instead of only being random
  • Vortex Platform now gives +1 to casting rolls
  • Randomized Magic Items now have you pick from two random items
  • Re-worked the following Magic Items: Silver-Steel Shield, Glittering Chainmail, Protective Gem, Opal Amulet
  • Units are now Frenzied on rolls of 1, and don't need a morale test to go back to normal
  • Lowered the amount of CP players get in growing/temporary modes
  • Re-worked the Vanish Tactical Doctrine to be clearer
  • Gambit powers are now activated at the beginning of the round, and clarified that gambits are scored for 4 VPs
  • Units in Siege Towers can now shoot out of them, and charge at besieged buildings
  • AoFR - Added new rules for Massive Battles


  • Tournament sideboard rules now require a main list of at least 70% worth of units, instead of at most

Age of Fantasy: Quest

  • Heroes must now be within 6" of the same corner to end the mission
  • Whenever a Hero fails to cast a spell, it may now suffer stress to cast it anyway
  • Skills have been tweaked to be less melee-oriented

Happy Wargaming!

– OPR Team

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