Patch Notes - September 26th 2024
We're extremely excited about the updates that we're releasing today, with many of the updates being frequent requests from the OPR community. Not only are we releasing updates to all our games, but we're also expanding the Advanced Rules for each game, providing Print-Friendly versions of the Core Rules, Beginner's Guides and Advanced Rules, updating Age of Fantasy: Quest to its 1.0.0 release, and starting the process of switching our game rules to yearly updates.
What to Expect
Today we're updating all of our games to a new version, and with that comes a bunch of new exciting stuff!
Here are all of the topics we will cover in this post:
- Switching to yearly updates
- Expanded Advanced Rulebooks
- General rules updates overview
- Full Patch Notes
- What's next?

Switching to Yearly Updates
With the release of this new version of the games, we are quite satisfied with where the games are as a whole, and are not planning on doing any major changes anytime soon. Because of this, and as per many player's requests, we are going to try switching our Core Rules + Advanced Rules updates to yearly updates.
Today we are releasing a our "test in progress" version publicly, and the plan is to leave it as is for 3-4 weeks, to catch as many small mistakes as we can with the help of our community. Then we will take that feedback, fix all typos and unclear sentences, and release a "final" version of the rules at the end of October, which will remain unchanged until September 2025. So if you are planning of printing a physical copy, you may want to wait a few weeks until the "final" version is released.
There are multiple benefits to switching to yearly releases, besides not having to periodically learn new rules, and we wanted to highlight some of them:
- Yearly releases will make it easier for us to release physical versions of our rulebooks, which won't be invalidated quickly
- Yearly releases will make it easier for us to release translated versions of our rulebooks, at least for the core rules and beginner's guides
We don't know when, how, and if we'll actually be able to release physical rulebooks and translations, but it's very exciting that this is now a possibility!
Aside from that, we will continue updating our armies every 3-6 months, adding new units and fixing any mistakes that we catch. We are not planning to do any major changes to armies over the next 12 months, besides any changes related to the release of new official models. We are also not planning to do any major point cost updates across the board, so if you notice that a unit's cost has changed without its rules having changed, please let us know so we can look into it.
This is our plan for now, and we want to stick to it as much as we can, but if it turns out that this is damaging the game in any way, or is hurting our players, or anything else like that, then we will have to come up with a new plan. At the end of the day, our top priority is to have great games available to players, and if that means that we'll have to post a patch before September 2025, then that's what we will do. :)

Expanded Advanced Rulebooks
Alright, this is a big one.
With the release of v3.4.0 we are adding 20 new pages to the Advanced Rulebooks. Yes, you read that right, we are doubling the amount of advanced rules content, and getting it to you for free, as always. No price increase of the books, no price increase on Patreon, just... enjoy! :D
Here's everything that's new or expanded:
- Added a terrain generator with 3 different biomes
- Added rules for army terrain with 12 army terrain types
- Added 12 new deployment styles
- Added 12 new extra missions
- Added 18 new side-missions plus a new "mad dash" game mode
- Added rules for action boosting, with 13 boosts
- Added rules for hero & monster feats, with 12 feats
- Added rules for advanced casting, with winds of power, spell books, magic pools, and a miscast table
- Added rules for living spells, with 18 spell types
- Added rules for magic items, with 36 magic items
- Added 18 new random events
- Re-worked combat hesitation rules from fog of war, which allow players to pass their turn
- Re-worked unit psychology section, adding rules for frenzy, panic, and retreating
- Re-worked brutal damage rules, with rules for degrading profiles, and directional damage
- Added 15 new stratagems, plus 5 new ways to earn CP
- Added rules for twists & gambits, with 12 twists and 12 gambits
- Added rules for siege battles to AoF and AoFR
- Added rules for boarding actions to GF and GFF
This is a massive update, giving you lots of new ways to play, as well as expanding on all of the advanced rules that you already know and love. We've listened to your feedback and also tweaked a lot of other advanced rules, so make sure to read them closely. Oh, and we're also providing print-friendly versions of the Advanced Rulebooks now. :)
We are super excited about this update, and hope you like it as well. With this being a yearly release, we're also looking into potentially making a physical "deluxe" edition of the book, which would combine the Advanced Rulebooks with the World Books, so that you can get a gorgeous 120+ page hardcover to put on your shelf. Let us know if you like this idea!

General Rules Updates Overview
Before we get into the general overview, we'd like to announce that with this update Age of Fantasy: Quest is officially out of public BETA, and is now available as v1.0.0! :) We know many of you are excited about the sci-fi version Grimdark Future: Star Quest, and we're looking forward to releasing that to the public in the coming months.
Ok, now back to business.
Today's update was made aiming at clarifying some common questions, making the rules "tighter" and more understandable, as well as updating some armies and units that were in need of update. In this section we will go over some of the more important changes and why they were made, but then we will post the full patch notes for you to see.
Here are some of the highlights from this update:
- Units must now be within charge distance of their target, but don't actually have to end up in base contact, which allows you to attack an enemy across a fence or barricade, without having to put models awkwardly on top of minor obstacles.
- Units in melee MUST now strike with all their melee weapons, in order to avoid exploits where someone could charge a unit, without the intention of killing it.
- Units may attack up to 2" horizontally (as before), but may now also attack up to 4" vertically, which allows you to attack enemies on top of a ledge that doesn't have enough space to place both models (which otherwise was making models immune melee attacks).
- Aircraft rules have been majorly re-written, so that they behave much more like a normal unit, and don't require a ton of weird exceptions. Note that they still have a full mandatory move in a straight line, but that units may never leave the battlefield, so you can't move them into the table edge to avoid completing their full move.
- Ambush and Scout have been modified so that if both players have units with them, the player that is going to activate next must deploy first, speeding up gameplay and making these types of units more balanced with each other.
- Lance has been changed from AP(+2) on a charge to AP(+1) and +1 to hit on a charge, making lances be more than just worse great weapons, as well as giving them their own niche.
- For skirmish games, Shaken units now get +1 to wound check rolls, making it easier to kill them. We felt that after the last update skirmish games had gotten a little less lethal, and we wanted to bring the lethality back up.
- For regiments games, units may now pivot whilst using Rush/Charge actions, making the game more playable and lethal in just 4 rounds. We will monitor how this affects gameplay and see if it needs tweaking.
- For regiments games, we also tweaked how Ambush works, with units having to deploy within 6" of any table edge, so that playing against those type of units doesn't become too punishing.
Something we wanted to highlight is that with this new update, we're seeing the return of dedicated gangs and guilds!
The Gangs of New Eden and Guilds of the Nexus (previously Havoc War Clans) have been removed from the game, and instead each game now has 10 new fully dedicated gangs and guilds, each covering a different archetype, as well as a new mercenary list for each to take hanger-ons. This also means that now you can use gangs and guilds in quest games, which is pretty exciting.
Over the last year we've also seen more players get into organized play, so we wanted to update our Tournament Guidelines to make for a better experience. We know that some people think that OPR doesn't embrace organized play, but that is not true, and we hope that the changes we made will set us off in the right direction. :)
That's about it, nothing major, mostly clarifications, we hope you have fun!

Full Patch Notes
- Clarified that units can't be within 1" of enemy units at any time (not just when charging)
- Now at least one charging model must be within charge distance of the target unit (but don't have to actually end up in base contact if blocked by a minor obstacle)
- Units must now attack with all weapons in melee
- Units may now attack up to 2" horizontally and 4" vertically in melee
- Clarified that only units with most models fully inside cover terrain or behind sight blockers get cover
- Clarified that only single-model units which are mostly inside cover terrain or behind sight blockers get cover
- Aircraft has been re-worked to be clearer and more efficient
- If both players have Ambush units, the player that activates next goes first placing them
- Clarified that Fear applies per model that has it
- Clarified that Flying only ignores obstacles whilst moving
- Clarified how Indirect works and changed order of actions
- Lance now gives only AP(+1) but also +1 to hit
- Clarified that Limited weapons can only be used once per game
- Scout units are now placed anywhere within 12" after being deployed, and if both players have Scout units, the player that activates next goes first placing them
- Sniper shooting now needs to be resolved before other shooting
- Units disembarking from Transports now need to be fully within 6"
- AoFS/GFF - Shaken units now get +1 to wound check rolls, and clarified that defender rolls for wound effects
- AoFR - Units may now pivot whilst using Rush/Charge actions, and must get as close as possible when charging
- AoFR - Clarified that units in melee may only strike in their front facing
- AoFR - Ambushing units now deploy fully within 6" of any table edge (similar rules have been adjusted)
- Added a note that whenever possible, players should agree on rules and unusual aspects before the game begins
- Clarified how to better use unusual models for measuring distances and line of sight
- Clarified that players can freely mix armies (note that this doesn't apply to competitive rules)
- Clarified that destroying an opponent's army doesn't win you the game
- Clarified that units can't move outside of the battlefield, or be placed in physically impossible locations
- Clarified that Advance, Rush, and Charge actions are sometimes referred to as "move actions"
- Clarified that melee winners never take morale tests, even if they previously took wounds that would have caused a test
- Clarified that units may move across gaps up to 1" wide as if they were flat ground, but may not end their movement partially overhanging gaps or terrain
- Clarified that units may ignore short terrain up to 1" terrain when moving (instead of climbing up/down 1"), and that they can't end their movement mid-climb
- Clarified that Snipers ignore other models in the target's unit for line of sight and cover
- Clarified that units inside of a transport can target other units inside and the transport itself
- AoFR - Clarified that line of sight is measured from the unit's 45° front arc
- AoFR - Clarified how heroes are meant to fit into unit formations
- AoFR - Clarified how full rows are counted for melee resolution
- Re-worked Last Stand rules to be clearer
- Re-worked Side Battle and Spearhead diagrams to be clearer
- Changed recommended tournament length to 4 matches of 90min each for battle games, and 60min each for skirmish
- Clarified that tournament lists must follow Force Org.
- Mixing armies is now optional and must be decided by organizers
- Reinforcement Rules have been re-named to Sideboard Lists and have been generally re-worked
- Added a new optional Fortune Points mechanic to make games less swingy
- Added a new Hybrid True LoS option, that mixes principles of True LoS and Top-Down LoS
- Increased range of aura-style rules from 6" range to 12" range
- Clarified that Bombing Run and similar rules only work once per activation
- Hunter and similar rules now only give AP(+2) when Ambushing
- Undead and similar rules now only trigger when the unit would be Shaken or Routed
- Warning Cry and similar rules clarified that units must be over 12" away (18" in AoFR)
- Re-worked "Furious", "Relentless", and "Flying" spells
- GF/GFF - All weapon-mods now have full range but are Limited (re-adjusted some loadouts to match)
- AoFS/GFF - Simplified skirmification on certain aura-style special rules (ex.: Take Aim)
- General point cost tweaking across the board
- Re-worked cost scaling of AP
- Re-worked cost scaling of Blast/Deadly
- Re-worked cost scaling of Caster and how spell lists are calculated
- Re-worked cost of Poison
- Re-worked cost of Sniper
- Re-worked cost of rules that ignore Cover
- Re-worked cost of rules that ignore Regeneration
- Re-worked cost logic of Bounding
- Re-worked cost of Self-Repair and similar rules
- Re-worked cost logic of Undead
Alien Hives
- Added new unit: Synapse Tyrant
- Explode rule on Spores doesn't auto-pass morale tests anymore, but they now have No Retreat
- Psycho-Rex can now upgrade with a Psy-Torrent weapon and Neuro-Somatic Healing
- Fixed cost of Corrosive rule for Hive Titan
Battle Brothers
- Separated Veterans into their own units to avoid exploits
- Veteran Battle Brothers can now take Heavy Rifle Mods
- Dark Brothers heroes can now take Black Bikes that have Scout so they can join Black Biker units
Blessed Sisters
- Separated Veterans into their own units to avoid exploits
Custodian Brothers
- Custodian Heavy Walker now has Walker Fists instead of Light Walker Fists
Dark Elf Raiders
- Separated Veterans into their own units to avoid exploits
DAO Union
- Clarified that models can use as many Spotting Lasers as copies of the rule they have
- Sun Bomber bombs now have A2
Eternal Dynasty
- Re-worked Dynasty Leader loadout
- Dynasty Leaders can now be Sergeants and Ninja Masters
Gangs of New Eden
- Split the army list into 10 distinct gangs + mercenaries
Havoc Brothers
- Separated Veterans into their own units to avoid exploits
- Chosen Veterans can now take Dual Energy Claws and Heavy Rifle Mods
- Cultist Champions can now take a Cursed Blade
- Re-worked specialist options for Cultist Champion
- Talon Raptors can now be equipped with Heavy CCWs
- Plague Disciples Destroyer Champions can now take Twin Plague Sprayers
- Plague Disciples Plague Drone now has Impact(3) and can upgrade with A5
- War Disciples added new unit: Cultist Berserkers
- War Disciples Heroes can now be Casters
- War Disciples Champions can now be mounted on Great Beasts
- War Disciples Greater Mutated can now take Dual Hand Weapons and Exalted Chainsaw Swords
High Elf Fleets
- Jetbike Strikers now have Impact(1)
Human Defense Force
- Added new units: GRUN-T Robots, Tactical Walker, Combat Walker, and Tactical Titan
- Re-named a few units to fit OPR lore
- Added new weapon options to Company Leader, Infantry Squads, and Sappers
- Cavalry can now be upgraded with Extra Armor (Defense +1)
- Re-worked missile options for Light Walker
Machine Cult
- Cult Leaders can now be upgraded with Uranium Rifles, R-Jezzails, and Sentinel Stilts
- Arch Fighter bombs now have A2
Orc Marauders
- Goblin Tanks now have a Crew melee attack
Prime Brothers
- Separated Veterans into their own units to avoid exploits
- Guard Squads are now Veterans
Rebel Guerrillas
- Bikers now have Burst Pistols
Robot Legions
- Support Platform now has Impact(3)
- Doom Fortress now has Impact(6)
Saurian Starhost
- Frog-Mages now always come with Palanquins
- Ripjaw Breed now gives Joust (AP(+1) to Impact)
- Removed Sky-Assault upgrade from Dactyl Riders
Titan Lords
- Mini-Titan Fists now have A4
- Mini-Titans can now take Mini-Titan Lances and Combat Shields
- Titan Swords now have A12
- Titans can now take Titan Lances and Combat Shields
Wormhole Daemons
- Daemons may now only deploy up to half of their units using Ambush or Scout
- War Daemons Heroes can now be Casters
Deep-Sea Elves
- Scholars can now be mounted on Great Water Elementals
- Dwarf Champions can now be mounted on Rune Anvils
- Helicopters now have Crew melee attacks
Eternal Wardens
- Axe-Halberds and Great Axes now have Reliable
- Eternals can replace one Great Glaive for Dual Axes now
Ghostly Undead
- Ancient Banshee doesn't have Ambush anymore
- Added new unit: Shaman Circle
Guilds of the Nexus (Re-named from "Havoc War Clans")
- Split the army list into 10 distinct guilds + mercenaries
Havoc Dwarves
- Re-named "Slaves" to "Cultists"
Havoc Warriors
- Separated Veterans into their own unit to avoid exploits
- Havoc Masters can now be mounted on Chariots and Beast Chariots
- Barbarians can now be upgraded with Spears
- War Disciples Heroes can now be Casters
Human Empire
- Champions can now be upgraded to be Surgeons (Give Regeneration to their unit)
- Champions can now be mounted on Robot Hulks
Mummified Undead
- Royal Champions can now be mounted on Skeleton Beasts
- Skeleton Champions can now be Stone Shapers
- Stone Shaper upgrades for Guardian Statues and Sphinx now only provide Regeneration
- Skeleton Horseman can't take Lances and Bows at the same time anymore
- Guardian Statues with Great Bows now have only A1 in melee
- Sphinx Toxin Stinger now has A5
- Added new unit: Wild Brute Orcs
- Orc Bosses can now be Shamans and can upgrade with Scary Shields
- Black Orcs can now take Spears
- Re-worked upgrades for Brute Orcs
- Battle Masters can now be mounted on War Beasts
- Rat Ogres can now upgrade one model with a Flamer-Mod
- Fixed upgrade list of Giant Rats, Rat Swarms, and Rat Ogres to be "upgrade all models with"
- Great Death Roller now starts with Impact(3) and can upgrade with Impact(+5)
- Ratmen Artillery has a new Heavy Gatling Gun variant
Rift Daemons
- Daemons may now only deploy up to half of their units using Ambush or Scout
- War Daemons Heroes can now be Casters
- Frog-Mages now always come with Palanquins
- Dactyl Ripjaw Breed now gives Joust (AP(+1) to Impact)
- Deinonychus Riders can now take Blowpipes
Shadow Stalkers
- Great Hounds don't provide Defense(+1) anymore
- Ascended Fiend now has Fear
Vampiric Undead
- Added new unit: Ghoul Beast Riders
- Ghoul Champions can now upgrade with Lances, Great Weapons, Headtaker, Wings, and Winged Beasts
- Ghouls can now take Hand Weapons, Halberds, and Command Groups
Volcanic Dwarves
- Magma Champions can now be Rune Smiths
Wood Elves
- Added new units: Beetle Swarms, Eternal Guardian, Giant Beetle, Great Owl Chimera, and Forest Ancient
- Re-named and re-themed many units to fit OPR lore
- Re-worked loadouts, upgrades, and added new options for many units
- Glade Guardians now come in units of [5]

What's next?
As mentioned before, the plan is to leave the rules as they are for 3-4 weeks, to catch as many small mistakes as we can with the help of our community. Then we will take that feedback, fix all typos and unclear sentences, and release a "final" version of the rules at the end of October, which will remain unchanged until September 2025.
After that we are going to spend the next 12 months continuously collecting feedback for the next yearly update, as well as finally starting the work on "the great re-fluffing", which basically means that we will be reviewing all of the armies from all of our games (that's around 100 armies, yikes!), and tweak them to make them more distinctive and unique, with new special rules, themed spell lists, and just a general new polish pass. We're hoping to have it done by the next yearly update, so don't worry about any major army changes over the next year.
Other than that, we are planning on continuing with the release of new Narrative Campaigns, new Mission Packs, as well as new Quest Campaigns. We're also hoping to get the time to release a couple of new game modes for our quest games, and some other things that are still a secret... so keep your eyes peeled. ;)
We hope you enjoy playing the games as much as we enjoy making them, have fun!
Ready to Try the New Update?
If this update has you excited to play, grab one of our Free Quickstart Sets today or download the free Core Rules or Beginner's guides to any of our games. If you'd like to dive deeper, then support us on Patreon where you can get the Advanced Rules for each of our games, early access to missions and stories, access to Army Forge Studio to build your own factions in our games, and more!
Happy Wargaming!
– OPR Team
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