Sign up for OPR Writing Jam #12
Hi everyone,
Next week we’ll be running our 12th writing jam, so don’t forget to sign up!
The OPR Writing Jams are story writing marathons, where participants are asked to write a one-page story set in the OPR universe in 48hrs, following a common theme. Participation is completely free and at the end of the writing jam we will highlight your favorite stories on our website.
The writing jam is planned to run from February 7th, at 8PM UK time / 3PM ET time, to February 9th, at 8PM UK time / 3PM ET time, with the theme being announced at the start of the jam.
Sign up for the next writing jam now: https://itch.io/jam/oprwj12
Here's everything else you need to know:
- What is the prize? The top three stories will win two special digital reward minis.
- Who can submit? Anyone can submit a story, and you may work alone or in teams.
- How many stories can be submitted? Each participant may only submit one story.
- Who will judge the stories? The stories will be judged by the public, and then we will highlight the top 3 voted stories on the OPR website.
- What will the stories be judged on? This is a contest in interesting and original writing set in the OPR universe, so it's important that stories are written to fit the setting. The criteria are "Concept & Originality", "Flow & Clarity" and "Adherence to the Theme".
- Who has the rights on stories created during the jam? The story writers retain the rights to their own stories, and they won't become part of the OPR universe unless specifically agreed between the writers and OPR after the jam.
- Anything else? Submissions may not contain nudity, hateful language, or hateful images.
Check out the last jam for submission examples: https://itch.io/jam/oprwj11/entries
Happy Wargaming!
– OPR Team
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