Goblins are one of the most widespread and adaptable species in Tyria, who refer to most other species in Tyria as “big folk”, tending to look at them warily. Many big folk tend to view Goblins as thieves and pests, hunting them on sight. Goblins avoid them, except to take what the big folk leave behind and to protect their homes. There are exceptions to this rule, as a Goblin’s friendship is won easily with a little respect, or even just food. 

While the tribes and nations of big folk claimed valuable lands and built nations throughout Tyria, the minute Goblins were pushed into whatever places remained. Goblins have adapted to live in these remote locations, like forests, caves and other hidden places. This has given rise to many Goblin clans with radically different cultures, outlooks, and even gods, all influenced by their homelands. These clans vary greatly, from the forest dwelling Spider Clan who allied with the beasts of their native forest, to the plains dwelling Wolf Clan, and the eccentric Bat Clan who made their homes throughout the caves and mountains of Tyria. For most of their history, the Goblins held loyalty only to their own clan and cared little for the others.

The Goblin clans were forced to come out of the shadows, however, when the Havoc Wars began. The Havoc Gods began to destroy caves and forests and rampage through the open plains, forcing many Goblins to flee. Many different clan leaders met together and agreed to unite against this common enemy. The Goblins sent envoys to the Empire and Elves, applying to join the Grand Alliance, but were initially ignored. Yet, as Grand Alliance armies were slowly being driven back, the Goblins were winning small victories and launching raids from behind enemy lines. Goblin troops proved their worth in the war, working as expert scouts, ambushers, and raiders. For a short time, Goblins were treated almost as equals by the big folk of Tyria. 

The Goblin Clans soon lost their hard earned respect though, as once the Havoc Wars ended and the danger passed, few Humans or Elves were interested in the Goblins or their concerns. The Goblins were simply expected to return to their forgotten corners of Tyria, and they were once again treated as pests and thieves when they tried to take anything more. The Goblins, however, remained united even as they returned to their different homes, with clan leaders continuing to meet in order to exchange aid and trade goods. 

How will you bring respect to your clan?


A Scattered People

Goblins are one of the most widespread and adaptable species in Tyria. While the tribes and nations of larger species claimed valuable lands and built nations, the Goblins were pushed into whatever places remained where they scavenged to survive.

The Clans

Goblins have adapted to live where few other species lived, in forests, caves and other hidden places. This has given rise to a variety of Goblin clans with radically different cultures, outlooks and Gods, each adapted to their home.

The Big Folk

Goblins refer to most other species in Tyria as “big folk”, and tend to look at them warily. Many big folk tend to view Goblins as thieves and pests, hunting them on sight. Goblins avoid them, except to take what the big folk leave behind and to protect their homes. There are exceptions to this rule, as a Goblin’s friendship is won easily with a little respect, or even just food.

The Meeting of Clans

For most of their history, the Goblins held loyalty only to their own clan and cared little for the others. This changed when the Havoc Wars began; the Havoc Gods began to destroy caves and forests and rampage through the open plains, forcing many Goblins to flee. The different clan leaders met together and agreed to unite against this common enemy.

The Havoc Wars

The Clans soon united, learning how to use their strengths together. The Goblins sent envoys to the Empire and Elves, applying to join the Great Alliance, but were initially ignored. Yet, as Alliance armies were slowly being driven back, the Goblins were winning small victories and raids from behind their lines.

The Grand Alliance

As the situation grew more desperate, the Great Alliance began to rely increasingly on the Goblins. Goblin troops proved their worth in the war, working as expert scouts, ambushers and raiders. For a short time, Goblins were treated almost as equals by the big folk of Tyria.

No Respect

This respect was short-lived, however. As the Havoc Wars ended and the danger passed, few Humans or Elves were interested in the Goblins or their problems. The Goblins were expected to return to their forgotten corners of Tyria, and viewed as pests and thieves when they tried to take more.

The Great Peace

The Goblins, however, remained united even as they returned to their different homes. Goblin Leaders continued to meet, offering each other help and trading goods.


Goblins are found all over Tyria, but they form a loose network rather than a single entity. Since they were never able to claim any substantial land as their own, they have instead elected to live in the various uninhabited corners of the continent. From small groups to large tribes, they are mostly found in dark caves, deep forest and wide plains.

Goblins are often called chaotic, cowards, and unreliable. It is true that they live a pretty disorganised life: any Goblin is free to do what they wish, and a Goblin’s promise is never a sure thing. They have little concept of personal honour, they will flee at the drop of a hat, use traps and ambushes and other subterfuges, will lie easily and sometimes for fun. However, these are all strategies that have proven their worth in surviving a world of power hungry big folk. Goblins do have their own sense of morality and will often help people in need without demanding anything in return, or even secretly if possible. There is no hierarchy except the one that emerges from the amount of respect each Goblin is able to command. Concepts like inheritance or private property are pretty blurry to them.

Despite this, Goblins have remained relatively united. Every clan has a bunch of runners, expert scouts who constantly travel back and forth between clans to learn and spread the news.


Rather than praying to a small pantheon of powerful gods, the Goblins worship the spirits of nature around them. They believe that every lake, every old tree, every large beautiful rock is home to a spirit. They talk to these spirits, offer them food, ceremonial dances and small sacrifices. In exchange, they ask the spirits to protect them, watch over them and bring them good luck. Given these beliefs, Goblins are careful not to damage the surrounding nature too much. Eating a fruit or killing a deer is fine, but razing a forest to build a castle is a sacrilege to them, akin to murdering a defenceless creature. For these reasons, Goblins are a pest to builders, lumberjacks, miners and so on.

The Big Folk

Goblins refer to the other species of Tyria as the “big folk”. During the Havoc Wars, many Goblin clans joined the fight against the forces of Havoc, hoping to gain the respect the big folk always refused them. Initially rejected, their stealthiness and ruse proved invaluable to the big folks when they found themselves on the back foot, and for a time Goblins were treated as equals, as valued partners. Once the war was over, this respect quickly ran out. However, not all the big folk have forgotten; some villages and families remember the help they received.


Trolls are giant creatures. While not stupid, most of them are pretty slow, in a literal sense. They live long lives and take a long time to understand things and react to them. Almost every Goblin group includes some Trolls. The Goblins keep the Troll out of harm’s way, detecting threats in advance, feeding them and cleaning them. In return, the Trolls fight at their side, carry heavy loads, and most importantly serve as walking greenhouses. Generation after generation, goblin shamans have used the various mushrooms and lichens that grow on Trolls’ backs for their concoctions. The unique metabolism of the Trolls fosters a potent vegetation, useful for many things, from healing potions to recreational beverages. Every Troll is unique and their backs are jealously watched by their Goblin minders.

In addition, Goblin shamans can make use of a powerful magic called Trollopathy: it is said that every Troll shares one brain, and a shaman can talk into one Troll’s ear and have their words come out of another Troll’s mouth on the other side of the world. Trollopathy is a difficult art and only used in case of emergencies.

The Rift

In addition to this constellation of nature spirits, Goblins also believe in a larger, unifying power. Used to living with Trolls, they believe that the world itself is the back of a giant Troll, the All-Troll, making his way across the stars. They often despair at the ever-growing cities, mines and quarries that they see as hurting the All-Troll. They attribute various phenomena to him; for instance, earthquakes are the All-Troll sneezing.

The opening of the Rift was terrifying for them, and they think that the All-Troll is severely wounded. There is debate among the clans about whether Daemons are the All-Troll’s acidic blood, coming to cleanse it of greedy big folk, or simply nefarious parasites bursting from the wound they caused. Some even join the Daemons and are known as Havoc Goblins.

The Clans

Goblins were never as powerful as the other species and their tribes broke up into smaller groups as they sought new places to survive. But Goblins are nothing if not adaptable, and they took refuge in the places no others wanted, which led to the rise of three major Clans: the Bat Clan, who dwells in caves, eats mushrooms and loathes sunlight; the Spider Clan, who roams the deep forests, living in trees and taming spiders; and the Wolf Clan, running across the steppes on their lupine mounts.

Spider Clan

Originally from the Heartwood, the Spider Clan is found throughout the smaller forests of Tyria. They are agile climbers, hiding in trees to ambush prey and escape enemies. They have a close relationship with spiders, who they view as divine protectors and symbols of good fortune. They have been known to grow some of these spiders to massive sizes, using them as mounts. The Wood Elves recognise the Spider Clan as fellow protectors of the forest, but remain guarded towards them, due to the Goblin’s more chaotic behaviour.

Bat Clan

These cave dwelling Goblins are adapted to the dark underground tunnels throughout Tyria. They survive on forged mushrooms, specifically training cave beasts to hunt them. When Bat Clan Goblins must go up to the surface, they do so at night. Travelling in groups, by light of candle and torch, usually hiding away again before the sun rises. Dwarves may be inclined to view unfamiliar Bat Clan Goblins as vermin infesting their holds, but at times, they may strike up alliances with Dwarves using Goblins for trade, scouting or early warnings of danger.

Wolf Clan

Goblins adapted to living on the Steppe, they rely on their small size and quick wolf mounts to stay ahead of anyone who wishes to catch them. They have become expert scavengers, taking what they need from other species and using it to make weapons of war. They think of themselves as more brave than other Goblins, as they live openly on the plains. Most Orcs view them as weaklings to be hunted or extorted, but others have struck up strange alliances which use the Goblins’ speed and numbers to support their bands of raiders against larger and richer foes.

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