Halflings originally resided north of the Western Steppe, where their clans built villages and farmed in peace for many centuries. This changed when Giants appeared, marauding through their homeland. The Giants ate any livestock, grain, and Halflings they encountered along the way, taking little note of any resistance the villages could muster. Without any means to defend themselves, the Halflings evacuated their homelands, fleeing through a hidden Voidgate. They hoped to return once the danger had passed, only to discover that the Giants had destroyed the gate, preventing them from returning home. 

The Halfings arrived in a land of rocky hills and bogs, ill suited to the sort of farming that had once been their way of life. They grew what little the land would allow them, farming mushrooms and resilient plants, while hunting and fishing to make up the rest. They struggled to survive during these difficult times, and many died of starvation and cold.

The Halflings encountered Havoc’s influence in the North before most, and without anywhere left to escape to, the Halflings fought to defend their new home, adapting their old farming equipment and animals to war. Their army proved versatile and adaptable, despite their ragtag appearance. While many Halflings would die during the war, those who survived became skilled warriors, specialising in combat against larger foes. 

Once the Havoc Wars ended, many Halfling veterans decided to go south and seek revenge on the Giants. They marched through the lands which Havoc had destroyed until they arrived in their old homeland. The tribe of Giants who had destroyed their home had long moved on and perhaps even died out, but the Halflings still sought out and fought with any other Giants that they could find. Secure in their old homeland, the veteran Halflings rebuilt the old Voidgate. The eldest Halfling recognised their ruined homes, but few still wished to return. Most Halflings now remain in their new Northern home, only returning to their home countries in order to hunt Giants. 

The return of Havoc gives the Halflings another ancestral foe to prove themselves against. Many Halfling clans still hold grudges for ancestors killed during the Havoc Wars and are eager to prove their skills against them. 

How will you settle your ancestral grudges?


Home Countries

Halflings were a peaceful people who enjoyed a tranquil existence in a secluded area of the western plains for many generations.

The Emergency

A travelling tribe of Giants passed through their homeland, trampling their homes and taking little note of them except to eat whatever livestock, grain and any unfortunate Halfling that caught their attention. Unable to defend themselves, the Halflings fled through a Voidgate. Most hoped to return after a season or two, only to discover that the Giants had destroyed the void gate before departing.

A New Home

The land they arrived in was less suited to farming, made up of rocky hills and bogs. When they discovered that they could not return, the Halflings did what they could to adapt, growing what they could while hunting and fishing to make up the rest. In this harsh land, the Halflings also had to fight to protect their lands and herds from nearby tribes. Many Halflings starved or died of cold during these trying times.

Havoc Wars

The Halflings encountered Havoc’s influence in the North before most. Without anywhere left to escape to, the Halflings fought to defend their new home. While many died fighting, the Halflings became skilled fighters, especially against larger foes.

The March Home

After Havoc was defeated, many Halfling veterans decided to go south and seek revenge on the Giants. They marched through the lands which Havoc had destroyed until they arrived in their old homeland.

The Giant’s Bane

The Giants who had destroyed their home had long moved on, but the Halflings began to hunt any Giants they could find. They ambushed and slew many Giants, but they never found the tribe who first destroyed their home.

Returned Home

The Halflings rebuilt the old Voidgate. The older Halflings recognised their ruined homes, but few still wished to return. Most Halflings remained in their new Northern home, only returning to the Home Countries in order to hunt Giants.

The Rift

The return of Havoc gives the Halflings an ancestral foe to prove themselves against. Many Halfling clans still hold grudges for ancestors killed during the Havoc Wars, and the clans are eager to prove their skills against them.


Because of their origins as refugees in a harsh land, Halflings have a strong sense of familial solidarity. They are organised in clans based on blood ties, to which they vow absolute loyalty. They memorise their clan’s history at a young age, hoping to contribute great deeds or settle old grudges when they grow up. A Halfling never forgets, says the proverb. They are still looking for the Giants who destroyed their home, even though chances are high that these Giants are long dead.

A Changed People

The northern highlands were not fertile, like the old country. In order to adapt, the Halflings had to become warriors, honing their skills against the many large beasts and monsters that roamed the north. They still do some farming, and they raise quite a bit of cattle, but their specialty now is the hunt. They know how to use their numbers, weapons and knowledge of the land to bring down large foes, eliminating a threat and securing large amounts of meat at the same time. A Halfling hunter is only accepted as an adult once they have led their first successful hunt, and the most impressive ones become part of their Clan’s saga.

Champions of Nature

In the North, the Halflings’ forts sit atop hills overlooking their lands while shepherds and hunting parties patrol the surroundings. The Havoc Wars were a terrible time for them and they lost many lives to the Havoc tribes and Daemons. But they held on, and their headstrong resistance made them allies to other local creatures that defied Havoc. Many clans established pacts with ancient golems and spirits of the land, while their hunters became so attuned with nature that they made friends with animals. The Halfling culture places a lot of emphasis on this connection to the land, with druidic rituals and tattoos helping focus the latent power of nature, strengthening them in combat.

A Lost Homeland

After the Havoc Wars, the Halflings were able to spread out again, pushing back the defeated tribes and securing larger territories. In doing so, they were able to find Voidgates leading back to their homeland. However, they had changed so much in their exile that most of them did not care to rebuild their old towns and villages. A few Halflings settled there again, but most of them simply visit as a form of pilgrimage, erecting great carved stones as a memorial to their slain ancestors.

Old Grudges

While they gave up on their lost villages, Halflings have not forgiven the catastrophe. Hunting parties wander south in search of Giants, which they are very effective at hunting thanks to their generations of experience against large beasts. Few living Giants have connections to those who drove away their people, but the Halflings maintain their old grudge, regardless. Some parties even become mercenaries specialising in helping their employers get rid of unwanted Giants. Having slain a Giant is a mark of great prestige in Halfling society.

A War-Footing

The opening of the Rift is seen by Halflings as a very concrete threat; the Havoc Tribes are strong again, and Halfling Clans take every measure they can to protect their lands, fortifying, setting traps, launching preventive raids and stockpiling ale and cured meats. Cautious not to repeat history, they also have been sending more hunting parties, not only to hunt Giants but to scout other potential territories. In many hilly areas, little wooden forts adorned with enormous skulls have started popping up. Halflings are survivors, and survive they will.

Ever since they started venturing out of the north again, Halflings have earned a reputation as ferocious fighters and are often hired to dispose of big monsters. They are also known for their irascibility and rowdiness; a Halfling hunting party coming to town means that the innkeepers will fill their coffers but will also have to replace part of the furniture. But they are also popular for their expertise in taking care of sick animals and their ability to restore the balance of natural environments through targeted hunting and druidic charms. Halflings may fight other Halflings over a disputed kill, an old clan grudge, or a drunken provocation. They will ally with anyone for pay, for the chance of getting a good kill or to defend a place of nature from desecration.

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